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Lesson |
Passage/Title |
Main Passage |
Main Point |
1 |
Introduction to the Four Gospels |
The first lesson gives four ideas establishing and showing how the Melodic Line for Matthew's Gospel is Jesus as KING. |
The King's Identity Established (Chapters 1-7 [*Make sure you highlight the section in which each lesson falls]). |
2a |
The Long Awaited King Matt. 2:1-12 |
The Long Awaited King Matt. 2:1-12 |
There were those who understood the Hebrew Scriptures and were waiting for the King's identity to be established. |
2b |
Genealogy / Birth of Jesus / Temptation Matt. 1-4 |
Genealogy Matt. 1:1-17 |
Matthew shows how Jesus is the promised KING by tracing His family tree back to King David and Father Abraham. |
2c |
Sermon on the Mount Matt. 5-7 |
Lord's Prayer Matt. 6:5-14 |
The LORD'S PRAYER is a compilation of the KING'S "stump" speech as He spoke to various crowds and in various locations. |
The King's Authority Displayed (Chapters 8-10 [*Make sure to highlight the section in which each lesson falls]) |
3a |
Authority of the King Matt. 8-9 |
Centurion Matt. 8:8-13 Storm Matt. 8:23-27 |
The PROMISED KING has the power/authority to heal all who are sick and diseased. This will tie into Daniel 7. |
3b |
The Sending of the Twelve Matt. 10 |
The Sending of the 12 Matt. 10 |
The PROMISED KING has the power/authority to send His ambassadors/missionaries into the world to spread His message. This will tie into Daniel 7 and Matthew 28:18-20. |
The King's Enemies Confronted (Chapters 11-13 [*Make sure to highlight the section in which each lesson falls]) |
4a |
Come to Me / Lord of Sabbath Matt. 11-12 |
Are you the one? Matt. 11:1-19 |
John the Baptist is the KING'S FORERUNNER. If John is the FORERUNNER, then JESUS is the KING. John's question is fully answered by Jesus. |
4b |
The Kingdom of Heaven Matt. 13 |
Parable of the Sower Matt. 13:1-9 |
The PARABLES of the KINGDOM show what the KINGDOM looks between the MESSIAH'S / KING'S arrival, His rejection, and His return. |
The King's Path Revealed (Chapters 14-18 [*Make sure to highlight the section in which each lesson falls]) |
5a |
Who do you say I am? Matt. 14-17 |
Peter's Confession Matt. 16:13-28 |
The Apostle Peter openly identifies Jesus as the KING. Jesus also says for the first time that He is going to be killed, be buried, but come back alive after three days. The Disciples find this repugnant. They do not get it. |
5b |
Jesus Front and Center Matt. 18 |
Forgiveness Matt. 18:21-35 |
God's forgiveness unconditional and our forgiveness of others should be unconditional. This is what life is to look like in God's Kingdom. |
The King's Claim Rejected (Chapters 19-25 [*Make sure to highlight the section in which each lesson falls]) |
6a |
Jesus' Claims Rejected Matt. 19-23 |
The Generosity of God Matt. 20:1-16 |
God, the KING, is generous in saving sinners. He freely gives to all who come more than they deserve. |
6b |
Olivet Discourse Matt. 24-25 |
Parable of the Talents Matt. 25:14-30 |
Those who believe in JESUS as the KING will one day hear, "Well done my good and faithful servant." Those who reject Jesus will be destroyed in pain and fire. |
The King's Work Finished (Chapters 26-28 [*Make sure to highlight the section in which each lesson falls]) |
7 |
Last Supper / Betrayal / Trial Matt. 26 |
New Covenant Matt. 26:17-30 |
KING JESUS fulfills the PASSOVER Promises and points to His own sacrifice to rescue His people from sin's slavery. This takes us back to the Exodus from Egypt and Jeremiah 31. |
8 |
Crucifixion / Burial Matt. 27 |
Torn Veil Matt. 27:45-56 |
All that the OT pointed to and promised is fulfilled when Jesus offers Himself up on the cross as a sacrifice for sin. See further Isaiah 53. The Seed Promise is the Blood Picture. |
9 |
Resurrection / Authority Given Matt. 28:1-15 |
Matt. 27:57-28:20 "day 1" |
KING JESUS has risen from the dead and has conquered sin and death. All that He claimed to be is declared true by His heavenly Father. The Slides work to tie all of this together. |
10 |
Road to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35 |
Luke 24:13-35 |
KING JESUS lovingly explains to two of His disciples how everything that happened was foretold in the Hebrew Scriptures. Jesus enables them to see that He is alive. |
11 |
Peter Restored John 21 |
John 21 |
KING JESUS lovingly restores Peter after Peter denied KING JESUS three times. |
12 |
The Great Commission / Authority Extended Matt. 28:18-20 |
Matt. 28:18-20 |
KING JESUS has received all authority from His Father and now calls and sends His people into the world to preach His message and extend His KINGDOM. The Slides work to tie all of this together. This ties into Daniel 7. |
The King's Enthronement |
13 |
Ascension Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:1-11 |
Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:1-11 "40 days" |
KING JESUS ascends to His Father's right hand and sits on a throne overseeing the outworking of His plan for all He created. The Slides work to tie all of this together. |
The King's Authority Transferred |
14 |
Pentecost Acts 2:1-41 |
Acts 2:1-41 "50 days" |
The HOLY SPIRIT returns to the TEMPLE and we now have the beginning of HEAVEN on EARTH. The Slides work to tie all of this together. Unit 6 shows how the Promise expands through the King's Church [Acts and Letters]. |