Unit 2 - Old Testament Pre-Exilic History (Joshua-Chronicles)

God is the PROMISE Protecting God

God 1) PROVIDES "shadow | type" rulers who 2) fail to RESCUE His people 3) DEFEAT His enemies and 4) KEEP them in the Land 5) so that His people would be with Him for their JOY. 6) God, however, shall FULFILL all of His promises in JESUS.

Links Lesson Passage/Title
3-year Bible Reading Plan
Main Passage Main Point
1 The Book of Joshua
"I Have Given It to You"

Joshua 1-24
Joshua 1:1-9; Joshua 21:43 God gives Israel their land [in shadow form] thus fulfilling His promise to Abraham.
2 The Book of Judges
"In Those Days There Was No King in Israel"

Judges 1-21
Judges 17:6; Judges 18:1; Judges 21:25; The book of Judges shows Israel's utter failure to obey and remain faithful to Yahweh in spite of Yahweh's continued faithfulness and efforts to restore the relationship with His people. The main them of the narrative is that "Israel has no King" (21:25) and this leads to their self-destruction.
3 Understanding the Book of Ruth
"The Father of David"

Ruth 1-4
Ruth 4:13, 17 The Story of Ruth stands in contrast to Book of Judges. Ruth shows how God's plan includes all people groups AND how He is faithful to fulfill His promise to provide a SEED that would crush the serpent's head (Ruth 4:13-17).
4 "Samuel, the King Maker; Saul, the Heart Breaker"
1 Samuel 1-15
1 Samuel 10 King Saul was set up to fail. Saul was the unfortunate choice of the people's appetites. Although he was the wrong person at the wrong time, his own choices set him against God.
5 Yahweh Chooses David
"The LORD looks at the Heart"

1 Samuel 16
1 Samuel 16:1-13 King Saul was a descendent of Benjamin. He was not a descendent of Judah. Every Israelite should / would have known that through Judah the Seed Promise would come. Saul shunned the limelight, but the power went to his "head." When David was anointed, Saul should have conceded. He didn't. Therein lies the problem. Saul's son, Jonathan recognized that David was of Judah's line and would be king (1 Sam. 20:31; 23:17; 24:20). Jonathan conceded his right to the throne, to the rightful King David.
6 David and Goliath
"The All the Earth May Know That There is a God in Israel"

1 Samuel 17-31
1 Samuel 17 The one who will slay their enemies will not come from the line of Benjamin, but from the line of Judah. King David is of Judah's line and is a proto-type of the future "Slayer of Thousands" Jesus (1 Sam. 18:6-9).
7 The Davidic Covenant
"I Will Raise Up Your Offspring After You"

2 Samuel 1-10
2 Samuel 7:4-17 The Davidic Covenant is part of the ROYAL GIFT COVENANT. David's Covenant celebrates the SEED aspect of the Abrahamic Covenant.
8 The Rise of King Solomon
"Long Live King Solomon"

2 Samuel 11-24; 1 Kings 1-2
1 Kings 1:28-53 Solomon is the rightful heir to the throne of David. He will perpetuate the SEED PROMISE.
9 The Temple Dedicated and Garden Theme
"Then Solomon Began to Build the House of the LORD"

1 Kings 3-10
2 Chron. 3:1; 5:13-14; 7:1-3 Solomon built a temple to reflect the Garden of Eden where God would meet with His people for their joy. Solomon's temple also reminded the people of their past and their future. Only in God's presence will His people know and experience His joy.
10 The Kingdom Divided
"But He Will Have One Tribe"

1 Kings 11-16
1 Kings 11:31-32 The one who will slay their enemies will not come from the line of Benjamin, but from the line of Judah. King David is of Judah's line and is a proto-type of the future "Slayer of Thousands" Jesus (1 Sam. 18:6-9).
11 Elijah: The Messiah's Forerunner
1 Kings 17-22
Mal.4:5; Matt.11:14 The prophet Malachi identifies the prophet Elijah as the forerunner to MESSIAH. The Gospels identify JOHN THE BAPTIST as that forerunner. Let us see connection between JOHN, ELIJAH, and JESUS.
12 The Prophet Elisha
2 Kings 1-13
2 Kings 8:1-6 "Elijah and Elisha are types of the transition of leadership from John the Baptist to Jesus Christ." As part of the ONE STORY, Elisha, like all prophets, point us to the ultimate and final prophet JESUS. It is not the intent of this Lesson to speak of Elijah and Elisha, but rather Elisha and Jesus. However, we would be amiss if we did not reference Elijah.
13 The Assyrian Dispersion of Israel
and the Babylonian Deportation of Judah

2 Kings 14-25
2 Chron. 36:15-18 Because Israel lived in transgression of the MOSAIC CODE [I.e. Law | VASSAL TREATY] and did not allow the land to rest during the SABBATH YEAR, God would force them into captivity in order that the land would rest. This forced sabbath rest would last 70 YEARS for the 490 YEARS they violated the LAW. God, however, would remain faithful to His unconditional promise of a SEED. He would fulfill the promise of a SEED, A LAND, AND A BLESSING. In the fulfillment of the SEED PROMISE, THAT SEED would keep all of the stipulations and conditions of the VASSAL TREATY, thus enabling the Nation and Nations to receive all of its blessings.
14 The Last Dance
"He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place"

1 & 2 Chronicles
2 Chron. 36:11-21 Big Picture Overview; Future Hope

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