Unit 1 - The Pentateuch

God is the Promise Making God

God 1) CREATES a place where 2) He will MEET with his People 3) for their JOY. 4) His People reject Him.
5) God binds Himself through PROMISE (i.e. The Royal Gift Covenant) to 6) RESCUE His people from their sin and 7) RESTORE them to Himself for their JOY.

Date Links Lesson Passage/Title
3-year Bible Reading Plan
Main Passage Main Point
9.12.21 1 God and His Story
Luke 24:44-49; Acts 1:1-8
Luke 24:44-49; Acts 1:1-8 The Bible tells a single Story and at the center of this Story is Jesus. This Story is traceable from Genesis through Revelation.
9.19.21 2 God's Good World
Genesis 1
Gen. 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31 God created all things and the pinnacle of this creative activity is humanity.
9.26.21 3 God's Good People
Genesis 2
Genesis 1:26-2:25 Within creation, God created in Eden a Garden where He would encounter Adam and Eve for their joy.
10.3.21 4 The Seed Promise and
the Blood Picture

Genesis 3
Genesis 3:1-24 Adam in his role of headship failed to guard the entrance into the Garden and allowed Satan access to Eve through whom he fell in rebellion against God. God graciously provided a way to redeem Adam and his offspring through a Seed Promise (Gen. 3:15) and a Blood Picture (Gen. 3:21). This Promise is a ROYAL GIFT COVENANT. The RGC is unconditional and is Seed Promise related. God would do for humanity what humanity could not do for itself.
Assault Against The Seed
5a Cain and Abel
The Promise Pictured and a Counterfeit Gospel
Genesis 4, Genesis 5
Genesis 4:1-16, 25-26 The serpent's seed would assault the woman's seed in order to stop the promise of God. This pattern of assault tracks through the entire Bible.
10.10.21 5b The Flood
The Promise Preserved and a Counterfeit Seed
Genesis 6, 7, 8, 9
Genesis 6:5-22, 9:1-11
5c The Tower of Babel
The Promise Protected and a Counterfeit Garden
Genesis 10, Genesis 11
Genesis 11:1-9
The Patriarchs
10.17.21 6a The Abrahamic Covenant
God's Plan Foreshadowed in a Covenant
Genesis 12-16; 17-20
Gen. 12:1-3; 15:1-21; 17:1-9 The Promise made to Adam and his offspring would be centralized through Abraham and his offspring, the Jews.
6b The Sacrifice of Isaac
God's Provision Foreshadowed in a Sacrifice
Genesis 21-24
Genesis 22:1-14
6c Jacob and Esau
God's Patience Foreshadowed in a Struggle: The Tale of Two Brothers
Genesis 25-29; 30-33
Genesis 25-29 From among the 12 sons of Jacob, one would come who would bear the Seed Promise. Jacob's son Judah. The Joseph Story is God preserving His Seed Promise through famine and failure.
6d Judah
God's Purity Foreshadowed in a Failure
Genesis 34-38
Genesis 38
10.24.21 6e The Story of Joseph
God Protects the Seed Promise in the Rise and Fall of Joseph
Genesis 39-42; 43-47; 48-50
Genesis 50:20
The Exodus
10.31.21 7 I Have Remembered My Covenant
God Redeems His People
Exodus 1-6; 7-12; 13-14
Exodus 6:4-6 The Seed Promise through Joseph is preserved and protected in Egypt and will be delivered out of Egypt. Israel's deliverance from Egypt is a type or shadow of the future anti-type and substance found in the ultimate fulfilment of the Seed Promise in Jesus.
8a The Wilderness Wanderings
God Provides for His People
Exodus 15-18
Exodus 16:4-8 All of the OT in prophecy, promise, and pattern is fulfilled in Jesus. The wilderness wandering of Israel says, "We Can't, But God Can, and Jesus Did." At Mt. Sinai, God gives Israel the Law. The Law is a VASSAL TREATY. The Vassal Treaty is conditional and is Israel-centric. It is not for the NT Church.
11.07.21 8b The Law
The Law Teaches His People About Jesus
Exodus 19-24
Exodus 19:1-6
Shadows of Jesus
11.14.21 9 The Tabernacle
The Tabernacle Teaches His People About Jesus
Exod. 25-29; 30-33; 34-39; 40
Exodus 25:1-9; 29:38-46 The Tabernacle is a "mini" Garden imaging humanity's relationship to God and God's provision for humanity so that they might be in His presence for their joy.
11.21.21 10 Sacrifices and the Priesthood
Jesus is not only the offering, but the one who offers
Lev. 1-5; 6-10
Leviticus 1:13 Everything about the Tabernacle is a shadow or type of Jesus. The Tabernacle structure, its furniture, its sacrifices, its mediation through priests all culminate in Jesus. Today, all that was the Tabernacle only reminds the reader of Jesus.
11.28.21 11 The Feast Days of Israel
Pictures of the Seed Promise and Blood Picture
Lev. 11-14; 15-20; 21-23; 24-27
Leviticus 23 All of the Feast Days, like the Tabernacle and its structure and administration, are shadows and types of Jesus. They meant something to Israel, but they all culminate in Jesus. Israel's calendar was to remind them of God's Story and all of its points to the Royal Gift Covenant.
Failure / The Law Reiterated
12.5.21 12 The People Complained
A Summary of the Book of Numbers
Numbers 11:1-3 Numbers is a tragic retelling of humanity's fall from God and their irrational rebellion against God and His gracious provision and promise.
12.12.21 13 The Repeating fo the Law
A Summary of the Book of Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Just as the Law was given to Israel as they left Egypt, so also the Law is reiterated to Israel as they enter Canaan. In Egypt, they were under a pagan rule. In Canaan, they are facing an ungodly people.

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Copyright © 2024 Patrick J. Griffiths
Pastor of Waukesha Bible Church
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